Thanksgiving has almost arrived. This is the time of year when we sit back and reflect on all the things that we are thankful for. What immediately comes to mind?
For most of us it’s things like our family, our home, and our good health. And guess what they have in common? All of these things are what insurance protects!
That’s why it is so important to me that my clients have excellent insurance coverage. It’s not just about having an ID card in your car so you don’t get a ticket or fulfilling your mortgage company’s minimum loan requirements.
Insurance is there to make sure that if the worst happens, you can recover from it. It might not be easy, but we’re here to ease the financial burden after your house burns down or a loved one passes away.
All of those TV commercials that just tell you to find the cheapest rate are completely wrong! Of course no one wants to pay more then they have to, but it’s not the most important part of the equation.
Rather than looking for a cheap bare bones policy, take the time to interview and meet with local agents. See who is looking for the best coverage and truly meeting your needs while keeping the rate affordable. Ask about how they handle claims and if they do annual policy reviews.
This Thanksgiving, our agency is extremely thankful for all of our wonderful clients. If you need a local agent to look out for your most prized possessions, give us a call today for a free no-obligation quote.